Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Learning Caring Inspiring

Community Links 


Find out about the town of Framlingham:

its community, clubs, groups, local attractions, amenities and events.

St Michael's Church

Local Authority 


Thomas Mills High School


Also, links to other local

primary schools:



Find out more about the Church of England and education.


DISCLAIMER: Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVAP School is not responsible for pages maintained by external providers or for the content held within them. The sites linked from our website have been identified as useful resources for providing additional information on some of the topics discussed on this site.

Charity Fundraising

Our pupils and families regularly raise funds for local, national and international charities.  

Whether it's dressing up on World Book Day for Book Aid; donating tins for the Waveney Food Bank; collecting money for WaterAid; wearing a hand decorated Christmas Jumper or families donating to collections at events for local charities, the children gain an awareness and understanding of the need to help others.

See our Charity Posts from the Blog. 


 One of our school aims is fostering strong links with our community and encouraging our children to become good stewards of our world.