Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Learning Caring Inspiring

Nursery Admissions

Our Nursery can take children from the beginning of the term following their third birthday.


Children may have up to five terms of free part-time early learning with us before they join the Reception class.  The Nursery aims to create an environment where children can have a variety of experiences through play.  This means we can develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them and give them a strong foundation upon which we can start to build the curriculum.

We recommend full time (five mornings) attendance at our Nursery to maximise your child’s enjoyment and benefit of being with us.  We believe a minimum of three days a week is needed to enable the children to settle and build relationships with their peers (and the adults) in the setting.

The vast majority of the children attend five days a week and when children come for fewer days we notice that they can be at a disadvantage when building those friendships with their peers, (despite our best endeavours).   Additionally, being a school Nursery, we build on our learning over the week (and term) through a combination of observing and following the children’s interests, sharing stories and adult led activities.  It is much more challenging for a child to build on their experiences with us when they are attending part time, for example engaging in learning activities based on a book we shared at the start of the week


We are keen to offer our children their full entitlement of experiences across the seven areas of learning and know that we can do this best when they are with us for five sessions.  We understand that family situations are unique and with different challenges and so we ask that you contact us at school to discuss your individual situation if you are considering a part time place so we can ensure it will support your child.   

Find out more about the Nursery on our Nursery Parent Information page.

Nursery Application forms:   

  2024/25 (.word)  or 2024/25 (pdf)   

We allocate places one term in advance - in April for September admission, in September for January admission, and in January for April admission.  We may only have a few places each term that we can offer in accordance with our Nursery Admissions policy for 2024/25

For enquiries regarding Nursery admissions, please email us @ Nursery Enquiries

See our Nursery Information Booklet for new starters.

In addition, we have a chargeable lunch club that runs until 1.30pm. Nursery children may have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch – either way, they eat with the other children in the hall. During this period and for their playtime in or outside, the children remain fully supervised.

We do not offer 30 hours of funded childcare, but you may use extended hours to cover the additional cost of the lunch club (up to 8 hours 20 mins) if you are eligible.