Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Learning Caring Inspiring

Y6 Parent Information

  Click here to see this term's Class Letter from the teachers.

  SPAG Knowledge Organiser

  Spellings Knowledge Organiser

   Reading at Home - information sheet for KS2 parents.

   Click here to see some Year 6 Maths problem solving Strategies

Year 6 Production

In their last year with us, the pupils thoroughly enjoy taking part in the school production. This is a polished affair using the theatre at Framlingham College and professional microphones for the lead roles.  It is usually a musical, and often the pupils get involved right at the start of planning, including making costumes and props. 

   See the Drama page and Drama posts on the Blog

   See our most recent production photos

Year 6 Residential and London Trip


In their final year the pupils spend a residential week together. This provides them with a really memorable and educational experience. The week together cements friendships, supports resilience & helps with character building, all of which stand them in good stead for their final year and for moving on to Secondary School.  We also arrange for a packed day out in London where we always try to book a tour of the Houses of Parliament.  


    See our most recent Year 6 Residential Gallery

    See our previous Camp Post from the Blog

Moving to High School


We have well-established links with Thomas Mills High School (TMHS) in Framlingham. This includes TMHS staff visiting us and working in Year 6 classes; TMHS staff attending “In-service Training” sessions with our own staff and discussing curriculum and pastoral issues;  Year 6 children visiting TMHS to familiarise themselves with the buildings and to meet form tutors. 

To forge links with the children at other primary schools feeding into TMHS, we work with them to arrange joint activities for children from the upper end of Key Stage 2. These sessions give the children an opportunity to meet and start forging new friendships.

We encourage all parents/carers to attend the introductory meetings organised by Thomas Mills High School at the time of transfer.

TMHS Prospectus

BBC Bitesize has resources about starting Secondary school which may be helpful.