Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Learning Caring Inspiring


Attendance Monitoring

Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly and on time.

We send frequent updates to parents promoting good attendance please see our latest Attendance Update here.


These are important to help us identify where children with poor attendance need school support for the child and/or family to help improve their attendance and therefore improve their attainment.

Advising us of an Illness or Absence

With safeguarding concerns in mind we need to know that a child who is not in school is safe.

Parents or Carers should report your child’s absence using ParentMail via the App.

Remember to report absences BEFORE 8.30am.

You are able to report them from the evening before on the App.

Absence Reporting

 App Reporting Procedure: 

  1. Open the ParentMail App
  2. Select Notify Absence
  3. Select your Child’s Name
  4. Select Reason for Absence or Late Arrival
  5. Select expected Length of absence or Time due in school
  6. You MUST type in Additional Info regarding the reason *see guidance notes below
  7. Click Submit 

*Absence Reasons in the App are generic, therefore parents must enter ‘Additional Info’ to clarify the reason and prevent the need for us to contact you further – please see the guidance notes attached. 

Note: Absences reported later than 9.00am or absence reasons that the office need to chase for, may not be authorised unless circumstances are valid.


If parents do not have a suitable device to download the App you may still report absences via the school answerphone:

  • Telephone us on 01728 723354 before 8.30am, select Option 1 and leave a message stating the name of the child, their class and a detailed reason why they are off school.
  • If you know your child will be off for more than one day –please state the number of days they are likely to be away – you do not then need to call again, unless they are off longer.
  • If you are not sure when your child will return,you will need to phone each day they are away.
  • If we have not heard from you by 9.30am we will try to contact you on the numbers you have given us to establish the whereabouts of your child.

Parents need not follow up with a written letter as the absence will be noted in a ‘sickness log’.

Please also refer to 

All pupil attendance information is uploaded daily from our system to the DfE - further info here

 Late Arrivals

  • Pupils who arrive after 8.45am must be signed in by an adult at the office.
  • They will be marked ‘Late- authorised’ on the Register.
  • If they arrive after 9.00am they will be marked ‘Late- Unauthorised’ on the Register.
  • Afternoon register closes 10 minutes after the end of lunch and arrivals will become unauthorised after 1.30pm
  • The Education Attendance Service monitor late arrivals and may make contact with families who are frequently late.

 Leave of Absence Request

If you wish to make a request to take your child(ren) out of school, please complete the Absence Request Form. 

Please write a full explanation of why you’re requesting an absence during term time and return the form to the School Office at least three weeks before the requested absence date. This gives us the time and information we need to make a decision, and we’ll let you know the outcome of your request as soon as we can.

Term-time holidays will not be approved unless exceptional circumstances are provided.

Schools will consider every application individually: 

  • For pupils over 5 years of age our policy is NOT to grant leave of absence for a holiday other than the most exceptional circumstances, where supporting evidence must be provided. Time off school for family holidays once a child is of statutory school age is not a right.
  • For pupils under 5 years of age at the time of the holiday the school will approve the absence.

Schools will only consider authorising holidays for: 

  • Service personnel and other employees prevented from taking holidays other than during term-time.
  • When a family needs to spend time together to support each other during or after a crisis, e.g. bereavement.
  • Parents who are subject to a strict and un-negotiable holiday rota - evidence must be provided on employers headed paper.

Requests for holidays for the following reasons will not be authorised: 

  • Cheaper cost of holiday or availability of the desired accommodation.
  • Poor weather experienced in school holiday periods.
  • Absent parent/grandparent taking the child on holiday in term time.
  • Schools will NOT authorise a holiday during periods of national tests, ie SATS or at the start of a new school year.

Please view our Attendance Guide for Parents - or see our full Attendance policy.

If your request does not fall within any of the categories above, then we will not authorise your request. Please note: Absence requests for for music exams, ballet exams and funerals will normally be granted.

Please note that the Educational Welfare Officer from Suffolk Attendance Service regularly checks the pupil attendance and school registers and may decide to take further action.

Absences from school will affect your child's performance and future potential - please see more information here in the impact poor attendance can have.

Poor Attendance and Fixed Penalty Notices 

The Department for Education introduced a new national framework giving all councils the same rules in place for when they need to consider a fine.  The Attendacne Service at SCC will always aim to work with schools and parent/carers to provide support to help you improve your child’s attendance first, but if this isn’t effective, including where parents do not engage with the offered support or the absence is for unauthorised term time holiday, parents may face paying a penalty notice.


School fixed penalty notices are aimed at reducing the levels of unauthorised absence from school. 


The national framework means all schools will be required to consider a fine when a child has missed 10 or more sessions (5 days) for unauthorised reasons, with a limit of 2 penalty notices issued in a rolling 3 year period. A 3rd or subsequent offence within 3 year period may result in prosecution.


More information can be found on the SCC website:


Permission to Leave School Site at End of Day

At the end of school, all class teachers bring their classes on to the playground to meet their families.  If you want to give permission for your KS2 child to leave the school site alone, you must complete a permission form (from the School Office). If we have not received your consent in this format, we will be unable to let your child leave school.

Please email the school office to request a Permission form - which will be sent to you via ParentMail to complete.

Please write to the class teacher if there any changes to your usual collection arrangements.