Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Learning Caring Inspiring

School Meals

Our experienced cook takes care of all the school meals cooked on the premises. 

Children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 do not need to pay for these as they are free (funded by the Government's Universal Free School Meals).  Children in Year 3-6 are charged £2.58 per day.

The meals are healthy, wholesome and popular with the children.  They meet or exceed government Food and Nutrition Standards.  The provider for our school meals is Eats catering.

Lunch Menu - April 2024 - October 2024 


To accommodate all of the children in the hall at lunchtime, they come through on a rota. All Reception and Nursery lunch club children eat first, Key Stage 1 children are next, then classes in Years 3,4 and 5 are rotated each week. KS2 pupils can eat packed lunches in the covered lunch courtyar, which is adjacent to (and accessed via) the hall.

Children with packed lunches also use the hall, having stored their lunch boxes in designated areas near the classrooms. Parents/carers may wish to include a small ice block to keep the contents cool.

Lunch Box Tips

Lunch Box Ideas for 5-8 Year Olds

Lunch Box Ideas for 9-11 Year Olds

Lunch box website resources:



We have some children who are severely allergic to nuts – to the extent that they are life threatening. If your child has an allergy, please discuss it with the class teacher and talk to the kitchen about any special dietary needs.


All children can bring fruit or vegetables for their morning snack time. We allow dried fruit (e.g. apricots and raisins), but NOT those with any kind of coating or processed fruit bars.

Year 5 & 6 can also bring in cheese & crackers for morning snack as they have a later lunch time.

The school is part of the Free Fruit and Vegetable Scheme where Foundation and Key Stage 1 children receive a piece of fruit each afternoon. 

Water and other drinks

We encourage all children to bring a clear-plastic bottle of water into school, since keeping hydrated helps them concentrate in class. The bottles should have a sports cap to prevent spills and have your child’s name clearly marked.

We provide drinking water on the lunch tables. Children may bring a non-carbonated drink with their packed lunch, as long as it’s in a spill-proof plastic container. 

Should you wish to purchase milk for your child to have in school, please contact the school office. 

Payment for School Meals - Year 3 - 6

We are a cashless school office, so parents pay electronically using credit or debit cards.  

Dinners must be paid for in advance. You can pay any amount on to your account, it will only be debited for the lunches your child has.

Pay for School Meals via the Pay+ Payments section in your ParentMail account - for help please visit the ParentMail help page.

If you do not have credit on your child's dinner account then you must provide packed lunches for them.

Payments will be carried over if a child is off ill or has to go home before 10.30am. After 10.30am, it’s not possible for us to cancel the meal and so we cannot refund you the cost of the lunch.

Free School Meals


If your family receives benefits, you may be entitled to free school meals for your child(ren) in KS2.  Please ask at the School Office or see the Pupil Premium Page

We deal with any matters relating to Pupil Premium in the strictest confidence, in both the School Office and the classroom.

Remember the Importance of a Healthy Filling Breakfast

Don't forget how important it is for your child to have a good and filling breakfast to help them make the most of their school day. They need to have foods that will sustain their energy levels and boost their brain for learning. 

It's important to avoid high sugar breakfasts which will give an instant lift but then will see them flagging shortly after.

Here's a surprising list of how much sugar is in common breakfast cereals!