Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Learning Caring Inspiring


As a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, Religious Education plays an important part in our school.


We follow the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus and use the Emmanuel Project, written by the Diocese, as our foundation.

Please look at this link for the RE curriculum topics we cover.

Pupils learn about Christianity and other religions, recognising the impact of religion and belief, both locally and globally.

Intent - What do we want children to learn?

Religious Education has a high profile at our Church of England School. Through our curriculum, we aim for our pupils:

  • To know about and understand Christianity as a diverse global living faith through the exploration of core beliefs using an approach that critically engages with biblical text.
  • To gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews appreciating diversity, continuity and change within the religions and worldviews being studied.
  • To engage with challenging questions of meaning and purpose raised by human existence and experience.
  • To recognise the concept of religion and its continuing influence on Britain’s cultural heritage and in the lives of individuals and societies in different times, cultures and places.
  • To explore their own religious, spiritual and philosophical ways living, believing and thinking.

From the Church of England Education Office Statement of RE Entitlement, 2019

Implementation - How are we going to achieve our intent?

  • We follow the Emmauel Project 2020. This is a scheme of work which fulfils the requirements of the Suffolk RE Syllabus. This ensures our RE curriculum is multi-disciplinary (a mix of theology, philosophy and the human and the social sciences).
  • Religious Education is taught on a weekly basis (or in blocks) in each year group but is also delivered through termly whole school RE days when the pupils mix year groups and take part in activities designed to further enrich their understanding of a religious tradition or festival.
  • RE is challenging. A concept cracking approach is used. Theological concepts are ‘cracked open’ in a way a child can understand based on their own experience.
  • RE is delivered through an enquiry cycle focused around a key question.
  • Teachers will use questioning and can use creative approaches such as art, music, and drama.
  • Monitoring of RE takes place through lesson observations, learning walks, work scrutiny’s, and Governor visits.
  • Subject knowledge and expertise of staff is developed through Emmanuel Units, Diocesan Padlets and staff CPD.
  • Religious education is considered an academic subject at SRH and the children’s knowledge is assessed regularly through the solo taxonomy approach provided by the Emmanuel Unit and the R.E. assessments linked to each unit.
  • Outcomes are recorded within Learning Journeys in the Reception Classes, and Scrap Books in Key Stage 1 and 2 .
  • Classroom displays are also used to demonstrate the learning taking place within the Emmanuel units.

Parents have the right to request that their child be excused from all or part of the Religious Education provided at school.

Impact - What will it look like when we have achieved our intent?

By the time children leave our school they will:

  • Ask and offer possible answers to challenging questions about the meaning of life, beliefs, nature of reality and morality.
  • Have a secure understanding and knowledge of the religions studied and be confident to answer ultimate questions.
  • Have the ability to ask significant and reflective questions about religion and demonstrate a good understanding of issues relating to the nature, truth and value of religion.
  • Have a sense of self, identity and belonging to flourish within the community and be responsible citizens.
  • Show respect, tolerance and understanding of all religions and beliefs.
  • Have a strong understanding of how the beliefs, values, practices and ways of life within any religion come together.
  • The ability to link the study of religion and belief to personal reflections on meaning and purpose.
  • The ability to exemplify the school’s Christian values in all aspects of life that are rooted in the teachings of the Bible.



See our RE Posts on the Blog.

 As parents or carers, you have the right to withdraw your child(ren) from assemblies and Religious Education if you wish. Please send a letter to this effect to the school office.

RE Resources                                 

All RE sites come with a warning to view yourself first, before you allow children to go on them. – different bibles with books, chapters and verses  – look up any bible passages by entering name of bible book, chapter or verse.  (Multi-lingual.)

DISCLAIMER: Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVAP School is not responsible for pages maintained by external providers or for the content held within them. The sites linked from our website have been identified as useful resources for providing additional information on some of the topics discussed on this site.