All of our staff teach all children, including those with Special Educational, Physical or Medical Needs.
Our ethos is to identify each child’s individual needs as early as possible. If a child has a disability, or significantly greater learning difficulties than other children, then we will start a programme of School Support and involve parents and the child in any planning. Working together, the parents and relevant class teacher (under the guidance of the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator) will create a Support Plan. If a child has more complex needs an Education Health and Care Plan may be initiated.
In addition to classroom differentiation and scaffolding, the needs of SEND children are provided for by an experienced team of Teaching Assistants through small group or individual interventions. To ensure that we are providing the correct care and support we review every Support Plan at least once a term through our Assess, Plan, Do Review cycle. We also closely monitor progress through the school’s tracking system, where SEND is a highlighted group.
To ensure that children receive the correct interventions for their needs, we also work closely with other support agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Suffolk County Council’s Specialist Education Services.
Please find more information below:
SEND Graduated Approach (appendix A)
Family Liasion Partner (appendix B)
or contact Mrs Cooper our school SEND Co-ordinator
There is adequate provision of facilities to assist access to the school for pupils with disabilities. All admissions are considered equal regardless of ability.