Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Learning Caring Inspiring

Wrap-Around Care

Premier Education’s Wrap-Around care offer covers both before and after school.

Start Active runs every day from 7.40am

Why ‘Start Active’?

  • The aim is to engage bodies and minds through physical activity and play
  • Each session is designed to stimulate and challenge the children appropriately
  • The sessions aim to prepare children for the day ahead, to make them alert and ready to learn
  • The club also helps children to improve basic skills, such as control and coordination

This club is open to children from Reception to Year 6.

Online bookings are available at anytime, however please book before your child attends the first session. Alternatively please call 01953 499040.

Start Active Breakfast Club charges are currently £5 per day (card payments only) - discounts may be applied for siblings.

An adult  must accompany the child(ren) to the hall/back playground  and be signed in with Premier Sport’s personnel. You’ll need to complete a registration form with emergency contact details and any relevant medical information.

Children in receipt of Pupil Premium are entitled to attend this club free of charge – please  contact the School Office for more details.


  • 7.40am - Sign in your child(ren) at the school hall - Activities in the hall or playground typically include circle games, tag and ball skills and other interactive challenges
  • 8.05am - Breakfast snack - Toast with butter and topping, fruit juice or water. We encourage the children to help prepare this food, under supervision.
  • 8.40am- KS2 Pupils go to class; Reception and KS1 pupils remain in the club with a Premier Sport supervisor and will be taken directly to their classes.

Wrap-Around care after school runs until 5.30pm

Book Here

For Spring 2025 here are the weekly themes for our activities:

Neither the School Office staff nor teaching staff will be available to parents at this time.



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